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Rania Soliman
Faith-Based & Trauma-Informed
Personal Development Coach
Professional Development Mentor
20 Book Suggestions
GOD benefit us through what you teach us, and teach us what is beneficial for us, and increase us in knowledge.
Your Lord Has Not Forsaken You - Najwa Awad
Transforming Trauma - J.Finley & C. Myss
Healing Trauma - Peter A. Levine PhD
Getting Past Your Past - Francine Shapiro
The Myth of Normal - Gabor Mate, MD
High Performance Habits - Brendon Burchard
Conversations Worth Having - Stavros & Torres
Who Do We Choose To Be - Margaret Wheatley
Emotional Survival - Dr. Kevin Gilmartin
Conversational Intelligence - Judith E. Glaser
About Brain Function - Dr. Daniel Amen
From Surviving to Thriving - Pete Walker
The Body Keeps the Score - Bassel Van Der Kolk
Journey Thru Trauma - Grethchen Schmelzer
Trauma Stewardship - Laura Van Dernott Lipsky
Lost and The Heart Aroused - David Whyte
Mind to Matter - Dawson Church
The Brain’s Way of Healing - Norman Doidge, MD
Healing from Trauma - Jasmin Lee Cori
Trauma and Recovery - Judith Herman
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