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According to research, science, and most importantly GOD, we are not broken beings, and we don't need fixing. In fact - we're right where we're supposed to be. What we label and refer to as self-sabotage is actually self-protection. 

Quran and Prayer Beads

Faith & Spirituality 

Faith is a complex and multidimensional part of the human experience as an inner belief system. Faith helps individuals to search for the meaning and purpose of life, it helps them to experience hope, love, inner peace, comfort, and support. Faith can be understood as a set of beliefs that brings vitality and meaning to the events and order of life. Faith in God is to trust in Him, based on a true understanding of who He is. Being spiritual and having faith in God involves an intellectual assent to the facts concerning God and a life-changing reliance on those facts. Faith is simply all about trust.

 thoughts On faith & God consciousness 

Faith-Based Coaching is not for all clients, but because many of my clients are God conscious, they are open to my coaching approach, therefore I welcome it in my coaching practice. I have been very open about my faith and personal relationship with God, because I know first hand the severe impact my own complex trauma had on my faith as a Christian for many years and now as an adult Muslim woman. Because of my personal journey and how I was guided to the Coaching space, I am devoted to do the work I do, and to raise awareness about the connection between faith and trauma.


To have faith in God is to trust in Him, based on a true understanding of who He is. Faith in God involves an intellectual assent to the facts concerning God and a life-changing reliance on those facts. Having faith in God is believing that He actually exists, and it is having confidence that He genuinely wants the best for us. However, simply believing that God exists is not enough. Faith in God is a commitment which is based on trust, but because trust isn't easy for a lot of people, especially if they have experienced a lack of trust that might be associated with betrayal and disappointment, many people might believe in the concept of God but not trust Him. 


Then there is spirituality which involves the recognition of a feeling, a sense, or belief that there is something greater than oneself, it's believing that there is something more to being human than sensory experiences. Generally speaking, it typically involves a search for meaning in life. As such, it is a universal human experience and is something that touches many people. Some people may describe a spiritual experience as sacred, transcendent, or simply a deep sense of aliveness, and an interconnectedness with something bigger than they are. Some may find that their spiritual life is intricately linked to their association with a religious belief system, a church, temple, mosque, or synagogue. Some people find comfort in prayer or in having an intimate and personal relationship with God or a higher power that is outside of any religion. Others may seek meaning through their connections to art, music, or nature. Many individuals sense of meaning and purpose in life, or their personal definition of spirituality may change throughout their life, adapting to their own personal experiences and relationships in various milestones or stages in their life.


Faith in God, the creator of the heavens and the earth, occupies an important place in human life as a motivating and harmonizing forces. Faith in God is a very complex and multidimensional part of the human experience as an inner belief systems. Faith helps many individuals to search for the true meaning, essence, and purpose of life. It helps people to experience hope, love, inner peace, comfort, and support. It can be understood as a set of beliefs that bring vitality and meaning to the events and order of life experiences. Faith simply put, means putting your trust in God and having confidence that He will give you the courage, the knowledge, and the wisdom you need to live a meaningful and a more purposeful life. A life that is filled with anticipation and a sense of longing to return home to and be with Him again in a heavenly place. Faith can encompass both secular and religious perspectives, and it can very much be an essential dimension of someone’s overall quality of existence. Faith is defined as more or less to be a coherent ideology of what is meaningful to an individual, and a lifestyle that incorporates beliefs, attitudes, hope, and values. 


Having faith can be expressed as the belief that everything is governed by God’s divine decree and infinite wisdom, that whatever happens in one's life is meant to be and preordained. Fate and Predestination are another traditional article of faith that is widely embraced by people who have faith in God, therefore there are no coincidences in life, and people are always where we they are meant to be. Many people are confident that whatever has been decreed was done for a good reason, and while it may not make sense in the moment, there is always wisdom behind the hardship, trials, tribulations, and the trauma that many of us had and have to endure. When we reflect on the things which we do understand, like the system of the universe, the coordination of different forces of nature, or our own biological system, and the overall arrangements of life which are all designed by God to make our lives pleasantly fascinating, one can't help but to be convinced that God has done nothing without a good reason.


When we shift our focus and choose to view a situation from a different perspective and become curious about the lesson and wisdom behind the situation we are presented with, we can become more accepting of the past, which we ultimately have no control over, nor can we change. Many people choose to shift their focus on the present and are more forward focused. They use their energy in a more productive way as they focus on the present moment and work towards the future for hope.


The reason I am passionate about the work I do, especially in the field of Faith-Based Coaching and Trauma-Informed Coaching, is because I know first hand that traumatic circumstances and experiences may lead trauma survivors to question their belief in God, which can lead to spiritual struggles or even the loss of their faith altogether. 


Evidence suggests that trauma can produce both positive and negative effects in a person's faith in God, and in spiritual experiences and perceptions. Sadness, isolation, and loneliness can also lead to feelings of abandonment and loss of faith in God. Some people however may experience increased appreciation for life, greater perceived closeness to God, increased sense of purpose in life, and enhanced spiritual well-being even following a devastating event. But for others, trauma can be associated with loss of faith, diminished participation in religious or spiritual activities, changes in the level of belief, feelings of being abandoned and perhaps being punished by God, and for many other people, it can mean a loss of meaning and purpose for living and faith is no longer an option.


Research indicates that spirituality and faith in God, are often associated with lower levels of symptoms and clinical problems in some trauma populations. For example, anger, rage, and a desire for revenge following a traumatic event, may be tempered by forgiveness, spiritual beliefs, or religious practices. This of course is not always the case since we all have different experiences in life, which is why Faith-Based Coaching is not for all clients. 

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